Why Off-Platform Salesforce Archives Are Business Critical

Data is the currency of business; however, relying solely on Salesforce to store your data may not be the most efficient or cost-effective strategy. Creating a backup of your Salesforce data off the platform, specifically for archival use cases, can offer numerous benefits.
Radical Transparency Ep 21 header

Let’s explore why this practice is crucial for your business, focusing on three primary components: cost reduction, performance improvement, and long-term storage for compliance and legal hold.

Reduction of Cost from Storing Data in Salesforce

Salesforce storage comes at a premium expense. While Salesforce offers robust in-platform data management capabilities, the cost of storing large volumes of data quickly becomes unaffordable. By archiving older, less frequently accessed data off-platform, you can significantly reduce your Salesforce storage costs.

How Off-Platform Archiving Reduces Costs:

  • Lower Storage Costs: Off-platform storage options, such as cloud storage or on-premises servers, generally offer more cost-effective storage options compared to Salesforce. This allows you to free up space in Salesforce without incurring high costs.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: By moving older data off-platform, you ensure that your Salesforce storage is used efficiently, reserving it for high-priority, active data that directly supports your daily operations.

Avoiding Data Limits: Salesforce imposes limits on data storage. Exceeding these limits can lead to additional costs or service disruptions. Off-platform archiving helps you stay within these limits, avoiding unexpected expenses.

Improvements in Performance by Decreasing Latency Issues

As your Salesforce instance grows, the sheer volume of data can lead to performance bottlenecks. High data volumes can cause latency issues, slowing down your system and impacting productivity. Off-platform archiving can help alleviate these performance issues.

How Off-Platform Archiving Enhances Performance:

  • Increased Capacity: By archiving older data, you effectively increase the available capacity within Salesforce for new, active data. This ensures that your system remains responsive and efficient.
  • Reduced Latency: Less data in Salesforce means faster query responses and quicker access times. This improvement in performance can lead to enhanced user satisfaction and better overall productivity.
  • Streamlined Operations: With less data to process, your Salesforce system can run more smoothly, with fewer slowdowns and interruptions. This can be particularly beneficial during peak usage times or when running complex reports and analytics.

Necessity for Long-Term Storage: Compliance and Legal Hold

In regulated industries, businesses are required to retain data for extended periods due to regulatory compliance, legal hold requirements, or corporate governance policies. Off-platform archiving provides a secure and efficient solution for long-term data storage.

How Off-Platform Archiving Supports Compliance and Legal Hold:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Regulated industries have specific regulations regarding data retention. Off-platform archiving ensures that you can store data for the required duration, meeting compliance standards without overburdening your Salesforce storage.
  • Legal Hold: In the event of litigation or legal investigations, you may be required to retain specific data for an extended period. Off-platform storage can securely preserve this data, ensuring it remains intact and accessible as needed.
  • Data Integrity and Security: Reliable off-platform storage solutions offer advanced security features, including encryption and access controls, to protect archived data from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

As your business grows and data volumes increase, this approach can provide the flexibility and scalability needed to maintain optimal performance and meet regulatory demands, ensuring that your data remains a valuable asset rather than a costly burden.

Join us for new episodes of Radical Transparency every Thursday. We’ll demonstrate the power of leveraging Salesforce data to drive extraordinary growth and innovation. Moreover, if you’re searching for a quick, straightforward, and secure method to safeguard your Salesforce data and metadata, we’re eager to connect with you! Reach out to our team or follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube, or X.


Video Transcription

Hello, my name is Ted Pappas, and welcome to Radical Transparency. 

In this video series, we’ll talk about why having an off platform copy of your Salesforce data is critical to your business.

And we’ll work under the Salesforce pillar of equal education. My goal in this series is really simple. It’s to make sure that every single person in the Salesforce community is equally educated in the art of possible with an off-platform copy of your Salesforce data. 

And today’s topic is going to be one that we hear from our customers all the time. And it’s archive, how do you archive the data out of platform. So we’ll talk about the three most common use cases that I hear from customers about why archival of off-platform data is critical to their business. 

And the first is perhaps the most simple, it’s just cost. Salesforce storage in-platform is really expensive. And for a portion of the data model that’s not highly consumable for reporting and dashboarding, just very candidly, is much less expensive. In a traditional archival environment like the AWS S3 environment, as an example, you will pay a fraction of the cost for archive data in s3, than you will in-platform. 

The second is really around performance of your sales team. So if you’re at capacity in your storage environment in-platform, it’s really safe to assume that reports will be slow. Dashboards will be slow. Your ability to review notes or enter notes will be slow. Taking the data out reducing the limit of the capacity and putting it in an archived environment will speed up performance every single day of your sales team orders of magnitude of 25 or 30%. So not only are you reducing costs from archives, but you’re also improving the performance from your sales teams. 

And the third is just out of necessity for compliance. If you’re a regulated environment, and you have data that’s GDPR, HIPAA or CCPA, or you name the regulation, there is without question retention policies that are measured in years, not in days for that data. 

Retaining that data in a platform for years is just really expensive. So the necessity to get that data out to stick it in a long term archival cold storage solution like AWS S3 is a no brainer. 

So the top three reasons to consider archiving your data at a platform is cost. improve performance, and necessity for things like legal hold. 

Again, my name is Ted Pappas. I’m the CEO of CapStorm, please visit us at capstorm.com please find me on LinkedIn. And the one thing I’ll ask is please come back next Thursday for another episode of Radical Transparency. And thank you very much.

Steven Welch

Steven Welch

Steven has over a decade of experience with content writing and design, and works to bring CapStorm's stories to a wider audience.

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